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Learning Lal Kitab (Online and Offline Courses) |
Due to heavy demand and constant pressure of persons desirous of learning Lal Kitab, Acharya Shree has agreed to take few students in basic and advanced course in Lal Kitab on first come first serve basis. We have relaunched Lal Kitab Certificate courses in which we are giving facility of studying Lal Kitab (online or offline) through LAL KITAB ASTRO CENTRE (LKAC) under the guidance of Acharya Shree Vikas Kumar Malhotra. |
Looking at growing awareness and increased use of internet, we have introduced the facility of doing Online course in Lal Kitab Astrology for those people residing outside Delhi and NCR cities. However, people living in Delhi also can avail the benefit of online classes if they are unable to come for offline classes. Offline classes are held in Janak Puri, Delhi. The course of Lal Kitab is divided into two parts: |
Course Name |
Title |
Duration |
Basic Course |
Lal Kitab Alankaar |
6 Months |
Advanced Course |
Lal Kitab Parangat |
6 Months |
While the former course is a basic course in which introductory concepts of astrology are taught along with Lal Kitab Vyakaran. The advanced course deals with application of concepts of Lal Kitab on various horoscopes. |
Basic Course Details (LAL KITAB ALANKAAR)
The basic course is a must for those people who want to learn Vedic and Lal Kitab Astrology. Through adequate blend of concepts of Vedic astrology and Lal Kitab Astrology, Acharya Ji will impart basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology, how Lal kitab originated along with its concepts in a simple and concise manner. In online mode you can study Lal Kitab sitting at your house or office place through video chatting while in offline mode, you will have to visit our centre in Janak Puri. Duration of course – 6 months (14 lectures) Class duration – 1 hour Frequency of Classes – Alternate days (e.g., Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or Weekends Course Fees – Rs. 17,000
Course Contents - Basic concepts of astrology
Introduction to Vedic astrology
Introduction of Lal Kitab,
Lal Kitab prediction rules, Varshphal chart,
Lal Kitab Vyakaran, Aspects of planets,
Effect of placement of planets in different houses
of a horoscope as per Lal Kitab
Lal Kitab remedies for various planets
Articles associated with planets in Lal Kitab
Examination and Certificate – On completion of course, an assignment for online students and practical examination for offline students would be conducted. On successful completion of course a certificate is awarded for the relevant course. An aggregate of 50 % marks is regarded as minimum percentage for qualifying this course. After successful completion of course a certificate is awarded for the relevant course. An examination fees of Rs. 1,500 would have to be deposited at the time of filling up the examination form.
How to enroll – Students desirous of learning this course need to deposit or transfer the fees in our bank account, details of which can be seen in payment information tab at our website.
Advanced Course Details (LAL KITAB PARANGAT)
Advanced course is designed for those students who have completed basic course and are serious enough to pursue their passion of astrology either in their own personal life or in their professional career. In this course, Acharya Ji would discuss the intricacies of Lal Kitab and would demystify various myths associated with it. Practical application of Lal Kitab concepts to various horoscopes and detailed discussion of logic of Lal Kitab upay would be discussed.
This course is a must for those people who have an avid interest in Lal Kitab Astrology or who want to build their career as a professional astrologer. This course is also useful for those people who are practicing astrology and want to improve effectiveness of their remedies.
Please note that admission to Advanced course would be given to those candidates who have completed our Lal Kitab Basic course and are serious enough to study Lal Kitab in more detail. For this purpose, a Viva-Voce could also be taken before granting admission.
Duration of course – 6 months (22 lectures)
Class duration – 1 hour
Frequency of Classes – Alternate days (e.g., Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or Weekends.
Course Fees – Rs. 24,000
Course Contents - Remedies for planets in different houses, How to recognize planet in a horoscope for which remedy has to be done, How to predict profession, marriage, child birth, education etc. The course will also discuss the various remedies available for different planets. Acharya Ji will also discuss the effectiveness of gem stones, rudraksha, mantras, yantras and other vedic upays to provide relief to the prospective clients.
Examination and Certificate – On completion of course, an assignment for online students and practical examination for offline students would be conducted. On successful completion of course a certificate is awarded for the relevant course. An aggregate of 50 % marks is regarded as minimum percentage for qualifying this course. After successful completion of course a certificate is awarded for the relevant course. An examination fees of Rs. 2,000 would have to be deposited at the time of filling up the examination form.
How to enroll – Students desirous of learning this course need to send their application through email to us at lalkitabastrocentre@gmail.com and on scrutiny of particular application, eligibility of candidate and time available with Acharya Ji, candidate would be permitted to deposit fees in our bank account.
Complete study material would be provided by our centre for Basic as well as Advanced course. In addition, you will get book written by Acharya Ji on Lal Kitab titled as "Lal Kitab Astrology Simplified - a guide to learning Lal Kitab and its remedial measures."
Important Note: There are some people who are interested in getting a demo class before taking admission. These people can take one demo class of one hour on deposit of Rs. 2100 in our bank account. An application would have to be sent at our email id lalkitabastrocentre@gmail.com with details of fees deposited for demo class. It may be an online class or offline class depending on the preference of candidate for the course. Students desirous of pursuing course (basic or advanced) can deposit balance fees after the demo class in our bank account.
For registration and other information feel free to contact us from 11.00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
CALL NOW - 09810176328 |
Email: info@lalkitabastrocentre.com, lalkitabastrocentre@gmail.com |
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